


   發布時間:2025-02-17 16:21 作者:江紫萱

Hyatt Studios品牌首家酒店預計于第一季度開業;籌備中的生活方式品牌組合酒店數量同比增長近50%

上海2025年2月17日 /美通社/ -- 凱悅酒店集團近日宣布,截至2024年年底,其籌備中的客房數量達到約138,000間,創歷史新高。同時,凱悅推出了全新的五大品牌組合——奢華精品、生活方式、暢享度假、經典風范和精選品質,以更好地滿足賓客、客戶和業主的多元需求,同時整合專業資源,助力業績增長。

凱悅酒店集團總裁兼首席執行官馬赫瀾(Mark Hoplamazian)表示:"凱悅的發展和品牌組合戰略升級,體現了我們致力于為業主創造長期價值的承諾,并通過為旅行者打造獨特的體驗,持續推動酒店業績的提升。此次戰略升級不僅提升了賓客滿意度,也進一步鞏固了凱悅旗下酒店的市場與競爭優勢,贏得了業主、賓客、客戶以及凱悅天地(World of Hyatt)會員的青睞。"

布魯塞爾The Standard酒店
布魯塞爾The Standard酒店

收購 Standard International,生活方式品牌組合持續擴張

Standard International前執行主席Amar Lalvani,現任凱悅全新設立生活方式專屬團隊的總裁兼創意總監,他將進一步凸顯生活方式品牌的獨特魅力和業績表現,鞏固凱悅在高端生活方式領域的領先地位。凱悅近期收購的Standard International旗下標志性的The Standard和Bunkhouse Hotels品牌,以及新推出的The StandardX品牌,涵蓋了22家已開業酒店和30多個已簽署協議或意向書的酒店項目。此次收購使凱悅生活方式品牌組合里籌備中的酒店數量同比增長近50%,已開業酒店數量同比增長超過20%。近期在主要市場開業的生活方式品牌組合的酒店包括:墨爾本The StandardX酒店、新加坡The Standard酒店、休斯頓Saint Augustine酒店(Bunkhouse Hotels品牌旗下)、曼谷帕阿鐵The StandardX以及棕櫚泉桐森酒店。

Lalvani表示:"在這個以發展和價值為核心的關鍵時期,我非常榮幸能夠領導新成立的生活方式專屬團隊。Standard International的收購為我們帶來了一系列獨具特色的品牌,這些品牌擁有眾多備受喜愛且屢獲殊榮的酒店,同時也帶來了豐富的創意人才資源。這些品牌將與凱悅現有的以設計和文化為核心的生活方式品牌組合及全球化運營體系完美結合。我對它們在新市場的發展潛力充滿信心,它們將為賓客提供難忘的體驗,同時為業主創造豐厚的回報。"


  • TOOR酒店:作為凱悅尚選品牌旗下酒店,這家精品酒店將坐落于多倫多市中心,為這座充滿活力的加拿大城市帶來品牌標志性的魅力與活力(預計2025年第一季度開業)。
  • 邁阿密海灘安達仕酒店:由The Confidante Miami Beach酒店改造而成,將成為佛羅里達州首家安達仕品牌度假酒店。酒店擁有能飽覽優美海景的大堂,提供 287間客房、64間套房、兩個重新設計的泳池和會議空間。酒店吸收融入了當地特色文化元素,并將與José Andrés集團等備受推崇的合作方共同呈現富有當地特色的專屬體驗(預計2025年第一季度開業)。
  • 布魯塞爾The Standard酒店:將成為The Standard品牌的首個長住公寓式住宿項目,這座28層的酒店將擁有200間客房、套房和公寓,配備特色禮遇和現代化的設施,為賓客提供無與倫比的城市度假體驗(預計2025年第二季度開業)。
  • Wildbirch酒店:作為凱悅尚選品牌在阿拉斯加安克雷奇的首家酒店,將坐落于市中心,擁有252間現代化客房、街邊餐廳、大堂酒吧、酒店內釀酒廠、戶外露臺和篝火區,可飽覽蘇西特納山和庫克灣的壯麗景色。此外,從酒店還能便捷地前往各文化旅游景點,巧妙融合都市格調與當地特色風情(預計2025年第三季度開業)。
  • Dream Valle de Guadalupe:將成為Dream Hotels品牌在拉丁美洲的首家酒店,展現墨西哥葡萄酒產區的美麗風光,酒店配備大型葡萄園、58間客房和別墅、三個餐飲娛樂場所,包括私人品酒室和屋頂酒吧(預計2025年第四季度開業)。
  • 香港中環安達仕酒店:將坐落于香港中環核心地帶,為這一亞洲標志性城市中心帶來安達仕獨特的品牌內涵——融入當地風情的設計、獨具匠心的設施和沉浸式的文化體驗(預計2027年年中開業)。

隨著新品牌組合的推出,凱悅還迎來了兩位經驗豐富的領袖,他們將在生活方式和奢華精品品牌組合的發展中發揮關鍵作用。Catie Cramer擔任美國生活方式開發負責人,將領導凱悅生活方式品牌組合在美國的擴展。Tina Necrason被任命為全球品牌公寓負責人,負責推動凱悅所有品牌的公寓戰略開發和運營。Tina此前在Montage International負責所有公寓業務。

中高端品牌Hyatt Studios入局,精選品質品牌組合加速擴展

精選品質品牌組合包含凱悅備受贊譽的精選服務品牌,這些品牌持續展現出強勁的發展勢頭并為業主創造價值。憑借以開發商需求為導向的創新策略,凱悅成功打造了Hyatt Studios品牌,并借助近期對凱悅嘉薈品牌的煥新升級,進一步推動品牌發展。凱悅將繼續優化這些品牌,使其能為業主帶來更高收益,并為旅行者提供更受歡迎的體驗。

Hyatt Studios是精選品質品牌組合中全新的中高端長住品牌,目前已簽署超過50個項目,進入22個新市場,并為凱悅吸納了27位新業主。該品牌的首家酒店——Hyatt Studios Mobile / Tillman's Corner預計于2025年第一季度開業。美國的新簽約項目包括:


Hyatt Studios室外庭院
Hyatt Studios室外庭院

凱悅美洲開發負責人Dan Hansen表示:"凱悅的發展勢頭從未如此強勁,我們通過與業主緊密合作并響應賓客需求,不斷探尋創新解決方案以提升盈利能力。我們非常期待莫比爾的首家 Hyatt Studios 酒店開業,這標志著我們在中高端市場的擴展邁出了重要一步。"

除了Hyatt Studios品牌外,精選品質品牌組合的新簽約項目及即將開業的酒店還包括:

  • 上海徐匯濱江逸扉酒店:將改造為擁有160間客房的酒店,落址上海黃浦江西岸的徐匯濱江(預計2025年第一季度開業)。
  • 博帕爾 Rani Kamalapati 車站凱悅嘉軒酒店:將位于印度中央邦首府,作為綜合體項目的一部分,毗鄰該市新改造的火車站(預計2025年第二季度開業)。
  • 悉尼中心凱悅嘉薈酒店:將坐落于悉尼中央商務區南端的多元文化社區禧市(Haymarket),標志著該品牌首次進入澳大利亞市場(預計2025年第三季度開業)。
  • 肯尼迪機場凱悅嘉軒酒店:將與機場的升級改造計劃相契合,滿足旅客對可通過新機場快線便捷抵達的高品質住宿的需求(預計2026年開業)。
  • 布萊斯峽谷凱悅嘉軒酒店:將成為凱悅及凱悅嘉軒品牌在該目的地的首家酒店,駕車片刻即可抵達布萊斯峽谷國家公園入口,滿足游客對毗鄰熱門旅游景點的高品質住宿的需求(預計2027年開業)。



  • 奢華精品品牌組合精選品質優越的項目以滿足臻品需求,配備卓爾不凡的服務、高端精良的設施與奢華高雅的設計。這些悉心甄選的休憩之所專為奢華旅行者打造,為他們精心呈現專屬精彩體驗。
    • 奢華精品品牌組合最新簽約項目、近期及即將開業的酒店包括:
      • Fairmount Hotel隸屬于凱悅臻選品牌旗下,位于美國德克薩斯州圣安東尼奧市中心。酒店建筑始建于1906年,保留了可追溯至1906年的獨特歷史建筑特色,設有37間客房、一間屋頂酒吧、寬闊庭院以及多家屢獲殊榮的餐廳,是舉辦私人活動的理想場所。(已于2025年1月16日開業)
      • 阿麗拉珠海東澳島:阿麗拉品牌首度入駐中國珠海,酒店將坐落于東澳島獨特的懸崖之畔,與原始自然景觀相融共生。(預計2025年第二季度開業)
      • 約翰內斯堡柏悅酒店:柏悅品牌重返南非,酒店經國際知名設計公司Yabu Pushelberg主導的全面翻新后煥新亮相。(預計2025年第二季度開業)
      • 洛斯卡沃斯柏悅酒店:柏悅品牌首次進駐墨西哥,由知名建筑設計事務所Sordo Madaleno操刀設計。度假村將提供163間客房與套房,以及19棟別墅和公寓,配備一個寬敞的康體中心、一系列奢華設施,并可通往享譽全球的Cabo Del Sol高爾夫球場。(預計2025年第二季度開業)
      • 塞維利亞諾瑪德酒店:隸屬于凱悅臻選品牌旗下,落址于紐約市諾瑪德街區,以其設計和建筑致敬該地豐富的歷史文化。酒店設有348間客房,以及招牌餐廳Scarpetta和Seville。(預計2025年第二季度開業)
      • 東京柏悅酒店:在慶祝開業30周年之際,酒店于2024年暫時關閉進行全面翻新,煥新后的客房與餐飲體驗將再現經典魅力。(預計2025年第三季度重新開業)




  • 暢享度假品牌組合為每一個值得慶祝的瞬間打造一價全包度假體驗。精彩紛呈的體驗、無微不至的服務與精心考量的細節,旨在超越每一位賓客的期待,讓旅行化作終生難忘的雋永回憶。
    • 暢享度假品牌組合全新簽約的項目包括:
      • 蓬塔卡納Hyatt Vivid酒店及度假村:將成為Hyatt Vivid 酒店及度假村品牌全球第二家酒店,亦是該品牌在多米尼加共和國的首秀。酒店坐落于海濱,設有500間僅限成人入住的專屬客房,配備多個泳池及高端餐飲設施。(預計2025年第三季度開業)
      • 阿庫馬爾Hyatt Vivid 度假村及水療中心:選址于墨西哥金塔納羅奧州阿庫馬爾,以白色沙灘和富有海洋生物的溫暖海域聞名,賓客可在此盡享觀賞海龜和浮潛的獨特體驗。(預計2025年第四季度開業)
      • 蓬塔貝爾甘廷凱悅奇樂度假村:位于多米尼加共和國僅限成人入住的度假村,擁有508間客房,坐落于蓬塔貝爾甘廷綜合開發區內,該項目旨在振興當地旅游業。(預計2026年開業)


  • 經典風范品牌組合在全球熱門的旅行目的地提供永恒經典的風格和悉心真摯的關懷。無論賓客出于何種緣由到訪,該品牌組合的酒店均會以盡善盡美的服務與周到貼心的設施滿足賓客的需求。
    • 經典風范品牌組合最新簽約項目及即將開業的酒店包括:
      • 曼谷素萬那普國際機場凱悅酒店:這家全新改建的酒店將成為素萬那普機場內唯一的酒店,提供610間客房、八家餐廳及寬敞的會議空間。(預計2025年第一季度開業)
      • 多倫多Hotel X凱悅悠選品牌首度進駐加拿大。這家坐擁湖畔美景的30層高的都市度假酒店,將重新定義體育與娛樂體驗。酒店設有縱享全景視野的三層天際酒吧、室內外恒溫屋頂泳池、屢獲殊榮的嬌蘭水療中心(Guerlain Spa)、藝術畫廊、電影院,以及90,000平方英尺的先進健身場所。(預計2025年第二季度開業)
      • 紐約時代廣場凱悅酒店:凱悅品牌首次亮相曼哈頓,提供795間客房,配備高端紐約風格的商業、酒吧及酒廊餐飲體驗,以及先進的健身中心,并可俯瞰地標時代廣場。(預計2025年第三季度開業)
      • Kampos酒店:凱悅悠選品牌將首次進駐希臘帕羅斯島,酒店臨近阿利基(Aliki)村莊,設有50間客房,每間均配備私人露臺及泳池或泡池。(預計2026年開業)
      • 奧基薩湖旅館酒店:凱悅悠選品牌旗下首家落址密西西比州奧基薩湖畔的酒店,占地150英畝,位于霍莫奇托國家森林(Homochitto National Forest)內,賓客可在此盡享垂釣、狩獵、騎行、露營及徒步等戶外活動。(預計2027年開業)




凱悅酒店集團總部位于美國芝加哥,是全球著名的酒店集團。凱悅的信念是"關愛每一個人,讓他們盡善盡美顯真我"。截至2024 年 9月 30 日,凱悅在全球六大洲超過79個國家和地區擁有1,350 余間酒店和一價全包酒店及度假村。凱悅旗下擁有以下酒店及其品牌組合:奢華精品品牌組合,包括柏悅酒店(Park Hyatt、阿麗拉(AlilaMiravalImpression by Secrets凱悅臻選(The Unbound Collection by Hyatt;生活方式品牌組合,包括安達仕酒店(Andaz桐森酒店(Thompson HotelsThe Standard、Dream Hotels、The StandardX、Breathless Resorts & Spas、凱悅尚選(JdV by Hyatt、Bunkhouse Hotelsme and all hotels;暢享度假品牌組合,包括Zoëtry Wellness & Spa Resorts、凱悅樂家(Hyatt Ziva凱悅奇樂(Hyatt Zilara、Secrets Resorts & Spas、Dreams Resorts & SpasHyatt Vivid Hotels & ResortsSunscape Resorts & SpasAlua Hotels & Resorts;經典風范品牌組合,包括君悅酒店(Grand Hyatt凱悅酒店(Hyatt Regency凱悅悠選(Destination by Hyatt、凱悅尚萃酒店(Hyatt Centric、Hyatt Vacation ClubHyatt;精選品質品牌組合,包括凱悅嘉薈酒店(Caption by Hyatt、凱悅嘉軒酒店(Hyatt Place、凱悅嘉寓酒店(Hyatt HouseHyatt Studios逸扉酒店(UrCove。此外,凱悅的子公司還運營著凱悅天地忠誠顧客計劃、ALG Vacations、Mr & Mrs Smith、Unlimited Vacation Club、目的地服務管理公司Amstar DMC和技術服務公司Trisept Solutions。如需更多信息,請訪問 www.hyatt.com。

Forward-Looking Statements

Forward-Looking Statements in this press release, which are not historical facts, are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements include statements about our plans, strategies, outlook, expected new openings and timing of such openings, growth of new brands, expected owner preference for our brands and expected profitability, prospects or future events and involve known and unknown risks that are difficult to predict. As a result, our actual results, performance or achievements may differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by the use of words such as "may," "could," "expect," "intend," "plan," "seek," "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "predict," "potential," "continue," "likely," "will," "would" and variations of these terms and similar expressions, or the negative of these terms or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by us and our management, are inherently uncertain. Factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations include, but are not limited to: general economic uncertainty in key global markets and a worsening of global economic conditions or low levels of economic growth; the rate and pace of economic recovery following economic downturns; global supply chain constraints and interruptions, rising costs of construction-related labor and materials, and increases in costs due to inflation or other factors that may not be fully offset by increases in revenues in our business; risks affecting the luxury, resort, and all-inclusive lodging segments; levels of spending in business, leisure, and group segments, as well as consumer confidence; declines in occupancy and average daily rate; limited visibility with respect to future bookings; loss of key personnel; domestic and international political and geopolitical conditions, including political or civil unrest or changes in trade policy; hostilities, or fear of hostilities, including future terrorist attacks, that affect travel; travel-related accidents; natural or man-made disasters, weather and climate-related events, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts, floods, wildfires, oil spills, nuclear incidents, and global outbreaks of pandemics or contagious diseases, or fear of such outbreaks; our ability to successfully achieve certain levels of operating profits at hotels that have performance tests or guarantees in favor of our third-party owners; the impact of hotel renovations and redevelopments; risks associated with our capital allocation plans, share repurchase program, and dividend payments, including a reduction in, or elimination or suspension of, repurchase activity or dividend payments; the seasonal and cyclical nature of the real estate and hospitality businesses; changes in distribution arrangements, such as through internet travel intermediaries; changes in the tastes and preferences of our customers; relationships with colleagues and labor unions and changes in labor laws; the financial condition of, and our relationships with, third-party owners, franchisees, and hospitality venture partners; the possible inability of third-party owners, franchisees, or development partners to access the capital necessary to fund current operations or implement our plans for growth; risks associated with potential acquisitions and dispositions and our ability to successfully integrate completed acquisitions with existing operations; failure to successfully complete proposed transactions (including the failure to satisfy closing conditions or obtain required approvals); our ability to successfully execute our strategy to expand our management and hotels services and franchising business while at the same time reducing our real estate asset base within targeted timeframes and at expected values; our ability to maintain effective internal control over financial reporting and disclosure controls and procedures; declines in the value of our real estate assets; unforeseen terminations of our management and hotels services or franchise agreements; changes in federal, state, local, or foreign tax law; increases in interest rates, wages, and other operating costs; foreign exchange rate fluctuations or currency restructurings; risks associated with the introduction of new brand concepts, including lack of acceptance of new brands or innovation; general volatility of the capital markets and our ability to access such markets; changes in the competitive environment in our industry, industry consolidation, and the markets where we operate; our ability to successfully grow the World of Hyatt loyalty program and Unlimited Vacation Club paid membership program; cyber incidents and information technology failures; outcomes of legal or administrative proceedings; and violations of regulations or laws related to our franchising business and licensing businesses and our international operations; and other risks discussed in the Company's filings with the SEC, including our annual reports on Form 10-K and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, which filings are available from the SEC. All forward-looking statements attributable to us or persons acting on our behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by the cautionary statements set forth above. We caution you not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, which are made only as of the date of this press release. We do not undertake or assume any obligation to update publicly any of these forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, new information or future events, changes in assumptions or changes in other factors affecting forward-looking statements, except to the extent required by applicable law. If we update one or more forward-looking statements, no inference should be drawn that we will make additional updates with respect to those or other forward-looking statements.
